Google Ads offers contractors a plethora of advanced techniques to enhance their advertising campaigns and maximize their reach to potential customers. In this informative article, we’ll delve into two advanced techniques: optimizing search queries and utilizing video ads. By mastering these techniques, contractors can unlock new opportunities to attract leads, showcase their services, and grow their businesses. Let’s explore how contractors can leverage these advanced techniques to their advantage.

Optimizing Search Queries

Optimizing search queries is a crucial aspect of Google Ads for contractors, as it allows them to fine-tune their targeting and ensure that their ads are shown to users who are actively seeking their services. Here’s how contractors can optimize their search queries for maximum effectiveness:

  1. Negative Keywords: Incorporating negative keywords into their campaigns allows contractors to exclude irrelevant search queries and prevent their ads from being shown to users who are unlikely to convert. For example, a roofing contractor may want to exclude terms like “DIY roofing” or “roof repair tutorials” to avoid wasting ad spend on users looking for DIY solutions rather than professional services.
  2. Phrase and Exact Match Keywords: Using phrase and exact match keywords enables contractors to target users who are searching for specific terms related to their services. By bidding on these keywords, contractors can ensure that their ads are shown to users who are most likely to be interested in what they offer, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  3. Broad Match Modifier: Utilizing broad match modifier allows contractors to reach a broader audience while still maintaining control over which search queries trigger their ads. By adding a plus sign (+) before specific keywords within a broad match keyword, contractors can ensure that their ads are shown for variations and closely related terms, expanding their reach without sacrificing relevance.

Utilizing Video Ads

Video ads are an increasingly popular and effective advertising format for contractors, allowing them to showcase their services, highlight customer testimonials, and engage with their audience in a more dynamic and immersive way. Here’s how contractors can utilize video ads to drive results:

  1. Showcase Services: Contractors can use video ads to visually showcase their services and demonstrate their expertise in action. Whether it’s showcasing a completed home renovation project, demonstrating a plumbing repair, or highlighting the process of installing a new roof, video ads allow contractors to visually communicate the value of their services to potential customers.
  2. Highlight Customer Testimonials: Video ads provide an opportunity for contractors to feature customer testimonials and reviews, allowing them to build trust and credibility with potential customers. By sharing real-life success stories and positive experiences from satisfied customers, contractors can inspire confidence and encourage users to choose their services over competitors.
  3. Educational Content: Contractors can use video ads to provide educational content and helpful tips to their target audience. Whether it’s offering DIY home improvement tips, explaining common roofing problems and solutions, or providing maintenance advice for HVAC systems, educational video content can position contractors as trusted authorities in their field and attract users seeking valuable information.

Partnering with a Trusted SEO Marketing Agency

While mastering advanced techniques like optimizing search queries and utilizing video ads can significantly enhance the effectiveness of Google Ads campaigns for contractors, it requires expertise, time, and resources. Partnering with a trusted SEO marketing agency like eZiBiz can help contractors navigate these complexities and achieve their advertising goals with confidence. Here’s how eZiBiz can help:

  1. Expertise and Experience: eZiBiz’s team of certified Google Ads experts has the knowledge, skills, and experience to optimize search queries, create compelling video ads, and maximize the effectiveness of Google Ads campaigns for contractors.
  2. Creative Solutions: Our creative team can develop engaging and visually appealing video ads that showcase contractors’ services and resonate with their target audience, driving engagement and conversions.
  3. Comprehensive Campaign Management: From initial strategy development to ongoing optimization, eZiBiz handles all aspects of Google Ads management for contractors, allowing them to focus on running their business while we take care of their advertising needs.
  4. Transparent Reporting and Communication: We provide transparent reporting and ongoing communication to keep contractors informed about the progress and impact of their campaigns, ensuring that they have full visibility into the performance of their advertising investment.


Optimizing search queries and utilizing video ads are two advanced techniques that contractors can leverage to enhance the effectiveness of their Google Ads campaigns and attract more leads and customers. By mastering these techniques and partnering with a trusted SEO marketing agency like eZiBiz, contractors can maximize their advertising ROI and achieve their business objectives with confidence. Ready to take your contractor business to the next level with Google Ads? Contact eZiBiz Marketing Agency today to get started!