In the competitive landscape of online advertising, contractors need to leverage advanced strategies to maximize the effectiveness of their Google Ads campaigns and improve conversion rates. Two key elements in achieving this goal are advanced bidding strategies and conversion tracking. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how contractors can utilize these techniques to enhance their Google Ads campaigns and drive more conversions.

Advanced Bidding Strategies

Bidding strategies play a crucial role in determining the success of Google Ads campaigns for contractors. By employing advanced bidding strategies, contractors can optimize their ad spend, maximize their return on investment (ROI), and achieve their advertising goals more effectively. Here are some advanced bidding strategies that contractors can implement:

  1. Automated Bidding: Automated bidding allows contractors to leverage machine learning algorithms to automatically adjust their bids based on various factors such as device, location, time of day, and user intent. By utilizing automated bidding strategies such as Target CPA (Cost-Per-Acquisition) or Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), contractors can optimize their bids to achieve their desired conversion goals while minimizing costs.
  2. Enhanced CPC (ECPC): Enhanced CPC is a bidding strategy that automatically adjusts bids for clicks that are more likely to result in conversions. By enabling ECPC, contractors can increase their bids for clicks that have a higher likelihood of converting, helping to improve conversion rates and maximize the effectiveness of their ad spend.
  3. Target Search Page Location: This bidding strategy allows contractors to target specific ad positions on Google’s search engine results page (SERP), such as the top of the page or the first page. By specifying their desired ad position, contractors can increase visibility and drive more clicks and conversions from users searching for their services.
  4. Maximize Conversions: Maximize Conversions is a bidding strategy that automatically sets bids to help contractors get the most conversions within their specified budget. By leveraging Google’s machine learning algorithms, contractors can optimize their bids to maximize the number of conversions generated by their campaigns.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is essential for contractors looking to measure the effectiveness of their Google Ads campaigns and optimize their advertising strategy for maximum impact. By tracking conversions, contractors can gain valuable insights into which keywords, ads, and targeting strategies are driving the most conversions, allowing them to make data-driven decisions to improve campaign performance. Here’s how contractors can leverage conversion tracking to improve conversion rates:

  1. Set Up Conversion Tracking: The first step in utilizing conversion tracking is to set up conversion actions in Google Ads. Contractors can define specific actions that they consider valuable, such as form submissions, phone calls, or online purchases, and track these actions as conversions within their Google Ads account.
  2. Track Conversions Across Devices: With the increasing prevalence of multi-device usage, it’s essential for contractors to track conversions across different devices, including desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. By enabling cross-device conversion tracking, contractors can accurately measure the impact of their ads on conversion rates and optimize their campaigns accordingly.
  3. Attribution Modeling: Attribution modeling allows contractors to assign credit to different touchpoints along the customer journey, helping them understand the role that each interaction plays in driving conversions. By analyzing attribution data, contractors can gain insights into which channels and marketing efforts are most influential in converting users, allowing them to allocate their budget more effectively.
  4. Optimize Campaigns Based on Conversion Data: Armed with conversion data, contractors can optimize their Google Ads campaigns to focus on the keywords, ads, and targeting strategies that drive the highest conversion rates. By identifying and reallocating budget to top-performing campaigns, contractors can maximize their ROI and improve overall campaign performance.

Partnering with a Trusted SEO Marketing Agency

While implementing advanced bidding strategies and conversion tracking techniques can significantly improve the effectiveness of Google Ads campaigns for contractors, it requires expertise, time, and resources. Partnering with a trusted SEO marketing agency like eZiBiz can help contractors navigate these complexities and achieve their advertising goals with confidence. Here’s how eZiBiz can help:

  1. Expertise and Experience: eZiBiz’s team of certified Google Ads experts has the knowledge, skills, and experience to implement advanced bidding strategies and conversion tracking techniques effectively, maximizing the effectiveness of contractors’ Google Ads campaigns.
  2. Customized Strategies and Solutions: We take a personalized approach to Google Ads management, developing customized strategies and solutions tailored to each contractor’s unique business objectives, target audience, and advertising goals.
  3. Comprehensive Campaign Management: From initial consultation and strategy development to ongoing monitoring and optimization, eZiBiz handles all aspects of Google Ads management for contractors, allowing them to focus on running their business while we take care of their advertising needs.
  4. Transparent Reporting and Communication: We provide transparent reporting and ongoing communication to keep contractors informed about the progress and impact of their campaigns, ensuring that they have full visibility into the performance of their advertising investment.


By leveraging advanced bidding strategies and conversion tracking techniques, contractors can improve conversion rates, maximize their ROI, and achieve their advertising goals more effectively. Partnering with a trusted SEO marketing agency like eZiBiz can further enhance the success of Google Ads campaigns, providing expertise, customized strategies, comprehensive campaign management, transparent reporting, and proven results. Ready to take your contractor business to the next level with Google Ads? Contact eZiBiz Marketing Agency today to get started!